Bound For a New Life

In my opinion indentured servitude is not fair. It could be unfair to people because no matter when they started they are free when they turn 21. The indentured servants weren’t always treated fairly. Some kids were kidnapped and forced into indentured servitude. Although some kids agreed to it, they didn’t know some of the conditions they would be working with.


This system wasn’t far from the younger children. Older children worked for fewer years than younger children. In the article, “Bound for a New Life”, Robert worked for nine years while Sarah worked for seven years. Robert came over when he was 12 and Sarah came over when she was 14. At age 21 Robert and Sarah became free.


They were not treated fairly. The text stated that Sarah was beaten by her master’s wife. It said,” His wife was a mean spirited woman who beat me for the smallest mistake The article stated, ”My clothes became ragged; my belly was never full. For instance, Robert had to work for hours and had a very hard work. In paragraph 4 the article stated,” But if you are lazy or dishonest, or you try to run away, your life will not be easy.”


Some kids were kidnapped and forced into indentured servitude. In the article, “ Bound For a New Life,” it said,” Robert was taken by two men. Some of the men there said,” Work would keep him out of trouble”. In paragraph 5 Robert said,” I worked from down to dark.”


However, some kids willingly signed up to come to go to Jamestown. According to the article, “Bound For a New Life,” it said,” When I was 14 two men offered me a chance to sail to America.” In addition, the two men said,” Just work a few years in Virginia to pay for your passage on the ship, and then you’ll be free to make your own life.” In paragraph one it said,” In London my family was poor.” For example, in paragraph two it said,” I listened, though, and finally decided to sign the papers.”

Based on the text, my opinion is that indentured servitude is not far. The younger a child was, the longer they worked. They weren’t treated well. Some kids were kidnapped and some others agreed to do it. Indentured servitude was not far regardless if they agreed to or not.



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